$105,800 RAISED!!!
What an amazing way to end Childhood Cancer Awareness month! We are extremely excited for our winners and everyone has been contacted. We decided the best way to do the draw was to have 5 rural Candlelighters families do it for us!
Prize 5: 1 night stay at Best Western Plus, Morden & a $50 VB’s gift card was drawn by Redden Wiebe (Dylan & Ravae). His baby sister Drew spent some time on CK5 after a bone marrow transplant. She was diagnosed with SCIDS, and is doing well! The winner is Keith Marsolais (ticket 2373).
Prize 4: Milwaukee trimmer & leaf blower kit was drawn by Carson LaBossiere (Andre & Dena). Carson has completed treatment for ALL and is doing well! The winner is Tara Dyck (ticket 0937).
Prize 3: Traeger Smoker was drawn by Austin Fehr (Brianne). Austin completed treatment for AML 78 days ago and is doing well! The winner is Marg Friesen (ticket number 0531).
Prize 2: Cozy lake house getaway was drawn by Ruby Roy (Kevin & Hayley). Ruby also just completed treatment for AML and is doing well! The winner is Tim Fehr (ticket number 3445).
Prize 1: 1967 Ford F100 was drawn by Rowen Abrams (Henry & Christy). We got to do something pretty cool for the winner of the truck and decided to use FaceTime to share the news. The winner of the truck just happens to be a cancer survivor herself and was so touched when Rowen got to tell her that she pulled the winning ticket. She was moved to tears when Rowen shared that she also has cancer (ALL). Rowan is currently on treatment and is doing well! Winner is Irene Lipischak (ticket number 1579).
Thank you so incredibly much to everyone who was a part of this raffle in every way. Whether you donated a prize, bought or sold tickets, had the truck in your showroom, helped us with transferring from one place to the next (keeping it clean), shared on social media, etc! We could NOT do this without you! THANK YOU!!! ♥️🎗️